New Jersey Wind Works Coalition Supports Murphy
Administration And New Jersey Democratic Congressional
Delegation Stance On Offshore Wind
April 19, 2023
Contact: Michelle Peal
(908) 313-4178
New Jersey Wind Works Coalition Supports Murphy Administration And New Jersey Democratic Congressional Delegation Stance On Offshore Wind
TRENTON – The following is a statement from members of the New Jersey Wind Works Coalition regarding announcements today from the Murphy Administration and members of the New Jersey Democratic Congressional Delegation confirming the benefits of offshore wind and the need to follow the science relating to previous whale strandings.
“We know that the greatest threats to our ocean is climate change, and that’s why we support responsibly developed offshore wind in full compliance with all regulations,” said Ed Potosnak, Executive Director, New Jersey LCV. “The Congressional letter outlines actions we can take to actually protect our marine ecosystems while supporting a robust scientific review of energy development and its impacts. Clean, renewable energy will not only help combat climate change, it will improve our air quality and create family-sustaining local jobs, and we support the Murphy Administration’s efforts to advance New Jersey’s clean energy future.”
"Advancing responsible offshore wind to secure New Jersey's clean and renewable energy future is one of the most important things we can do to combat the climate crisis. This is a step in the right direction," said Jennifer M. Coffey, Executive Director Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions (ANJEC).
“We are pleased to see the Governor’s continued support for clean energy and sound science. New Jersey is endowed with many talented researchers who have a deep knowledge of our coastal ecosystems; putting their minds to work on these important issues is a no-brainer,” said Heidi Yeh, Policy Director of the Pinelands Preservation Alliance.
“Offshore wind development is an essential component of New Jersey's transition to a healthier, more prosperous clean energy future," said Tom Gilbert, campaign director for Rethink Energy and co-executive director of NJ Conservation Foundation. "We must urgently transition away from reliance on fossil fuels that are harming public health and wildlife to clean, renewable energy such as offshore wind while taking all steps necessary to avoid and minimize environmental impacts through sound siting and mitigation measures."
“Climate change and global warming are attributing to the drastic weather changes, ecosystems collapses, and food insecurity for both humans and wildlife alike. That’s why I’m dismayed by the parties that wish to distract us from the true crises,” said Reverend Tuff, GreenFaith Alliance NJ. “I’m pleased that Governor Murphy and the New Jersey Democrats in Congress have asked for science to prevail and not politics and innuendo. We are all threatened if we do not act to save our planet."
"This announcement from Governor Murphy demonstrates the commitment of the administration and the developers to protecting marine wildlife and to supporting research that will also benefit fishing and shipping interests. This should put to rest unfounded claims that the siting of wind farms is indiscriminate and harmful to the marine environment. It is the continued burning of fossil fuels that is harmful to the marine environment," said Anne Poole, President, New Jersey Environmental Lobby.
Although a fossil-fuel funded campaign has been spreading misinformation, NOAA, BOEM, and the independent Marine Mammal Commission have all stated repeatedly there is no evidence of a connection between the Unusual Mortality Events of marine mammals, some of which began in 2016, and recent offshore wind development activities. In addition, when the Marine Mammal Stranding Center has had the opportunity to conduct necropsies, the results have shown evidence of boat strikes and net entanglements.
Congressional Letter to Whitehouse
New Jersey DEP News Release